Watch out! Amine is in active development and thus not really stable. Please don't use it in your projects now.



That's a good thing to place some content, like post comments, file attachments and more. However I'm not really sure how image from left should be changed.
10.0 KB · from icmx
Very long file name which will obviously truncated on narrow screens like phones or even small laptops LATEST (2).rar
756.28 MB · from JaneBrownDoe11
John Doe May 24, 2018 · @johndoe


Minimal example — card body is the only required element, anything else is optional.
Now with a head element
Like previous one, but with a head.
Important message here
Card with call
Which text should I place here?
Card with an image
How about this?
John the Long Name User Which Should be Truncated
2h ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Vitae quae assumenda fuga facilis modi quis dolorum pariatur laudantium nam ex tenetur, neque eveniet recusandae soluta cupiditate, dolore exercitationem dolor nemo!

Amine v0.0.16 by icmx